
Learn more about the things you should know or would like to know about HVAC systems and maintenance. Have a specific question in mind? Let us know!

Is a Rooftop System Best for Your Building?

Is a Rooftop System Best for Your Building?

Many large commercial buildings use rooftop systems, also called packaged HVAC systems. While common, not all smaller commercial buildings use them. Some still use split systems, which tend to be more common with residential buildings. Essentially the difference between split systems and a rooftop system is in the name. Half the unit is inside, half of it is outside. Packaged systems are all in one unit. In commercial buildings, they are referred to as rooftop systems because that is typically where you find them.

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What is the Best HVAC Maintenance List for My Building?

What is the Best HVAC Maintenance List for My Building?

‘Tis the season for fall and winter maintenance checklists galore. However, not all buildings are created equal, so should all HVAC maintenance lists be? Not really. While there are some commonalities across most commercial buildings, they can vary. So, that begs the question, what is the best HVAC maintenance list for your building? We have talked about typical fall maintenance but now, let’s break it down by building type and what could change.

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The Importance of Ventilation in Health Care Facilities

The Importance of Ventilation in Health Care Facilities

In a crucial time of medical uncertainty, HVAC systems have a big job to do. They help to maintain the health and safety of patients and employees in health care facilities. Ventilation systems help to reduce the spread of airborne contaminants and keep the indoor air quality (IAQ) safe. All in all, this helps to protect the health of more vulnerable populations, such as immunocompromised and elderly people. Continue on to learn more about the essential components of ventilation in health care facilities.

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Commercial vs. Residential HVAC – What is the Difference?

Commercial vs. Residential HVAC - What is the Difference?

While commercial and residential HVAC systems primarily serve the same purpose of heating, cooling, and ventilation there are some major differences too. Here at The Severn Group, we specialize in commercial HVAC. So, we know first hand just how unique these two systems can be in terms of size, location, and manufacturing.

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Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps – What Are the Benefits?

Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps - What Are the Benefits?

We have gone into what geothermal systems are before. But, to recap, these systems work similarly to other HVAC structures except geothermal utilizes the ground rather than air. What we haven’t discussed is how geothermal heat pumps (GHP) work in large buildings. Since incorporating green technology is getting more popular so are commercial geothermal heat pumps. Not only are they eco-friendly they also offer low operating costs. So, for this article, let’s talk about the three main benefits of incorporating GHPs into your building.

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5 Important Things to Know About Air Handlers

5 Important Things to Know About Air Handlers

Air handlers work with an air conditioning unit and/or heat pump to circulate air. They help make the system more energy-efficient and generally come in a large rooftop unit. Although, there are different areas in which you may find an air handling unit. It contains a blower, filter racks, cooling or heating elements, dampers, and sound attenuators. Air handlers also connect to the building’s ductwork ventilation system. There are a lot of misconceptions and basic information you need to know about an air handler. Here are the top five important things to know.

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Innovative Technologies in Commercial HVAC

Innovative Technologies in Commercial HVAC

There are a lot of technologies we have discussed before. We specifically talked about many trends this year in HVAC technology. Many of these articles focused on indoor air quality, specific systems like chilled beams, and even net-zero buildings. However, there is a lot on the topic we still haven’t covered. When it comes to HVAC there is a lot of innovative technologies. So, for this article, we will be focusing on topics and systems we haven’t covered before.

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How Chilled Beam Technology is Growing in the U.S.

How Chilled Beam Technology is Growing in the U.S.

In 2015, chilled beam technology was projected to grow nearly double by 2020. Now projections are showing the U.S. will contribute around 28% in chilled beam system demands by 2026. This is largely due to energy efficiency regulations in North America. Currently building energy consumption is about 40% of the total energy consumption in the U.S. As a push toward lower carbon emissions continues to grow, it stands to reason so will technologies that reduce energy consumption. Chilled beams offer major benefits in energy efficiency.

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Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) – What You Need to Know

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - What You Need to Know

When talking about the health and wellbeing of employees or customers within a building, you are referencing the IEQ. IEQ, or Indoor Environmental Quality, includes air quality, lighting, thermal conditions, and ergonomics. Specifically, the effects they have on any occupants of a building. When building or designing a space, it is important to consider IEQ. Proper IEQ strategies protect people’s health, improve quality of life, reduce stress, and prevent potential injuries.

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Important HVAC Systems to Check Before Reopening

Important HVAC Systems to Check Before Reopening

As we move into summer, more and more businesses are reopening. This is happening across the country. For this article, we are paying particular focus on Maryland, and Washington D.C. However, as more states are looking to reopen, this applies to any commercial business. As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, people will be returning to work and customers to businesses. So, before you do that, what are the important HVAC systems to check before reopening?

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