R-22 Refrigerant Becomes Illegal in 2020

R-22 Refrigerant Becomes Illegal in 2020

Owners of R-22 cooling systems in the United States will soon have to make some changes. On January 1, 2020, the production and import of R-22 refrigerant will become illegal. This is going into effect to further protect the environment and the ozone layer. But, what does this mean for your HVAC system? And what will your options be? Here’s an overview of what you should know.

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Proper Refrigerant Recovery

Proper Refrigerant Recovery

Refrigerant recovery is outlined in the US Environment Protection Agency due to the extremely hazardous nature of the refrigerants and coolants. Each step and procedure should pass standards and safety benchmarks in accordance with proper disposal, reclamation, and retrieval. Here is a list of the types of refrigerant recovery methods and disposal methods.

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Air Cleaner vs. Air Purifier

Air Cleaner vs. Air Purifier

Commercial facilities all need great indoor air quality, but there’s a debate on having an air cleanser versus air purifier. Everyone breathes in that re-circulated air all over again and even in greater contaminated doses. It’s no wonder many people suffer from respiratory and allergy problems in a day’s time. Depending upon your business, you need to carefully select an air cleaner, an air purifier, or both.

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