This Year’s HVAC Trends Explained

This Year’s HVAC Trends Explained

When it comes to HVAC, the goal is to achieve maximum comfort and increase energy efficiency levels with smart and eco-friendly technology. Each year, building and commercial property owners are seeing their HVAC needs evolve. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date with the latest HVAC trends to ensure you are getting the very best service.

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What You Need to Know About Packaged HVAC Systems

What You Need to Know About Packaged HVAC Systems

One common challenge that commercial properties face is proper air control, which can be solved by packaged HVAC systems. But, what’s the best way for facility managers to heat and cool a building? First, they need to consider all the HVAC systems that are available and which fits the property’s needs. For example, packaged HVAC systems are best for commercial spaces. They offer energy savings, easy maintenance, and a quieter building. Read more to learn more.

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How to Avoid these Common HVAC Scams

How to Avoid these Common HVAC Scams

Like dishonest auto garages or door-to-door handymen, HVAC contractors can also target building owners for HVAC scams. Scammers can target owners of complex and essential systems in the hopes of pressuring them into agreeing to expensive and unnecessary repairs. Unfortunately, many of these owners do not even realize they are being taken advantage of. 

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Geothermal Systems – What You Need to Know

Geothermal Systems – What You Need to Know

Geothermal systems work similarly to other HVAC structures. However, there is one major difference. Geothermal systems use the ground rather than air to absorb or release heat. So, if you are considering installing a geothermal heat pump (GHP) system for your facility or business, pay close attention. Here are five things you need to know about geothermal systems. 

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Primary Components of HVAC Design You Need to Know

Primary Components of HVAC Design You Need to Know

According to a study by the U.S. Department of Energy, HVAC systems are the largest users of energy in commercial buildings. That being said, the cost of running your building’s HVAC system will be among your greatest expenses, so it’s important to carefully select the components of your HVAC design.

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HVAC Safety Tips to Prevent Holiday Office Fires 

HVAC Safety Tips to Prevent Holiday Office Fires 

The holidays bring out the best in most people. Plus, holidays typically mean parties. HVAC safety is probably the last thing on your mind, but it shouldn’t be. With parties comes risk, as many holiday office fires result from faulty HVAC systems. So, this year, employers and employees can get a head start on holiday safety with a few HVAC safety tips. Then, of course, it’s all about focusing on having a great time with your coworkers.

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How Unique Buildings Are Conquering Climate Control

How Unique Buildings Are Conquering Climate Control

As the world develops and grows, so does the need for proper climate control for commercial HVAC systems. New, original architectures pop up seemingly overnight, and with them comes another huge challenge. So, how are people supposed to manage climate control in uniquely-shaped and wholly different buildings, the likes of which they’ve never seen before?

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Importance of Commercial Air Duct Cleaning

Importance of Commercial Air Duct Cleaning

Nowadays we spend a lot of time indoors. According to the EPA, it’s actually 90% of our time, on average. Between our jobs and home, indoor air quality is important to our health. That is why at The Severn Group, we know commercial air duct cleaning is a must through Maryland and Washington, D.C. office buildings.

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Designing HVAC Systems to Meet Industry Standards

Designing HVAC Systems to Meet Industry Standards

Depending on the size of the building, it’s not just as simple as having your basic components. Incorporating HVAC equipment in conjunction with a commercial building’s design can have a big impact on energy savings. For this article, we not only want to discuss designing HVAC systems to meet industry standards but also to make them resource and energy-efficient.

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