Chilled beams are often compared to a chilled ceiling though there is a distinguishable difference between the two. A chilled ceiling will use pipes with water flow as a chilled beam system. However, the pipes of the ceiling will be placed behind metal ceiling plates. Then, the plates are heated or cooled based on the method of convection rather than the pipes providing the heating or cooling method.
Read more →Refrigerant recovery is outlined in the US Environment Protection Agency due to the extremely hazardous nature of the refrigerants and coolants. Each step and procedure should pass standards and safety benchmarks in accordance with proper disposal, reclamation, and retrieval. Here is a list of the types of refrigerant recovery methods and disposal methods.
Read more →Figuring out the proper temperature for a data center can be a daunting task. Data centers are heavily relied on to keep confidential information safe and secure at all times. Here are some of the problems data centers face when temperatures rise too high, and what you can do to reduce them.
Read more →Believe it our not, your thermostat could be wasting your company money every month. You need to ask your HVAC company, “Does Your Thermostat Need Replacing?” It could save your business money!
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