How to Choose the Best Commercial HVAC System for Your Business

How to Choose the Best Commercial HVAC System for Your Business

Buying a new commercial HVAC system is one of the most important purchases you can make for your business. It’s your responsibility to choose an HVAC system that provides seamless comfort for clients, customers, and employees. However, choosing the right commercial HVAC system can be overwhelming with the number of choices to pick from. For this reason, you must understand what factors to consider when looking for a new HVAC system.

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Are You Making Your Indoor Air Quality Worse? 3 Factors People Don’t Think About

Are You Making Your Indoor Air Quality Worse? 3 Factors People Don't Think About

Traveling by airplane, driving your car, or engaging in a recreational pursuit can expose you to varying degrees of environmental pollution. While it might be hard to avoid flying or driving, indoor air pollution is one risk you can avoid altogether. Poor indoor air quality has become increasingly concerning, especially over two decades. Growing scientific evidence suggests that indoor air can harbor more contaminants than outdoor air, even in industrial zones. Further, research studies indicate that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors.

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How Hospital HVAC Systems Help to Save Lives

How Hospital HVAC Systems Help to Save Lives

Hospitals are high-sensitivity spaces that require a delicate balance of factors to maintain the health and comfort of patients. Because hospitals are such high-traffic areas, the most important thing is making sure that every room stays as clean as possible. Hospital HVAC systems are integral to preserving this balance. Every room is connected via the building’s HVAC system. That means every patient potentially shares the same air. Without specifically designed hospital HVAC systems, this would present a massive challenge. How do you keep the air clean for every patient when they all share the same air? The answer comes down to competent system design.

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How to Make Your Data Center Better & More Energy-Efficient

How to Make Your Data Center Better & More Energy-Efficient

Data centers represent some of the largest individual electricity users globally, accounting for roughly 3% of all consumption. That number continues to grow year over year. As such, every data center has a responsibility to be as efficient as possible. Much of that efficiency is going to come down to effective data center HVAC design.

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How to Deal with Unique Obstacles and HVAC Needs for Veterinary Clinics

How to Deal with Unique Obstacles and HVAC Needs for Veterinary Clinics

HVAC for veterinary clinics can be tough. Meeting the need for proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in animal hospitals is difficult on many levels, especially due to the extra dust, fur, and dander that can make its way through the systems. While commercial HVAC systems, in general, must combat many challenges, veterinary clinic systems are on an entirely different level.

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What Is an Air Handling Unit and How Does It Work?

What Is an Air Handling Unit and How Does It Work?

Air handling units (AHU) are used in medium- and large-sized industrial or commercial properties to condition and distribute fresh air throughout the building. An AHU is part of the larger HVAC system (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning). The device takes air from the outdoors, cleans and conditions it, and heats or cools it as needed. Read on to learn more.

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Why HVAC Is So Important to Data Centers

Why HVAC Is So Important to Data Centers

Data centers power the internet; they house the number of servers where the internet’s websites and information are stored. These structures help ensure the internet runs, and HVAC systems are crucial to keeping the data centers running. HVAC systems serve an essential function in data centers: they control the air, temperature, and humidity to run the computer servers that power the internet.

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What Hotel HVAC System is Best for Your Business?

What Hotel HVAC System is Best for Your Business?

According to the EPA, heating and cooling systems account for 40%-50% of the energy consumption in the typical hotel room. The type of HVAC system you choose for your hotel rooms will not only affect your energy bills but also contribute significantly to the comfort of your guests.

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How to Maintain School HVAC Systems to Keep Kids Safe

How to Maintain School HVAC Systems to Keep Kids Safe

After being partially or fully closed for the past year, school buildings across the country are opening up full-time for students in all grades. What can your school do to keep kids healthy and safe – not just from COVID-19, but from all manner of airborne germs? It’s all about working with your HVAC system.

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