
Learn more about the things you should know or would like to know about HVAC systems and maintenance. Have a specific question in mind? Let us know!

How Hospital HVAC Systems Help to Save Lives

How Hospital HVAC Systems Help to Save Lives

Hospitals are high-sensitivity spaces that require a delicate balance of factors to maintain the health and comfort of patients. Because hospitals are such high-traffic areas, the most important thing is making sure that every room stays as clean as possible. Hospital HVAC systems are integral to preserving this balance. Every room is connected via the building’s HVAC system. That means every patient potentially shares the same air. Without specifically designed hospital HVAC systems, this would present a massive challenge. How do you keep the air clean for every patient when they all share the same air? The answer comes down to competent system design.

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Designing a Commercial HVAC System from the Ground Up

Designing a Commercial HVAC System from the Ground Up

Commercial HVAC systems account for as much as 39% of energy use in commercial buildings throughout the country. That number, 39%, represents an opportunity to save money while maintaining comfort and operational efficiency. By designing a commercial HVAC system correctly from the start, you will have the best chance at saving on operational costs without taking shortcuts. 

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Why Is Regular HVAC Maintenance for Commercial Properties so Important?

Why Is Regular HVAC Maintenance for Commercial Properties so Important?

Regular HVAC maintenance in your commercial building is a responsibility you owe to your tenants and employees, but you owe it to yourself, as well. In fact, properly maintained systems can provide up to 25 years of dependable performance. Commercial-grade HVAC equipment such as air conditioners, furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers are very expensive to replace. On the other hand, regular preventative maintenance is relatively inexpensive. From reducing utility costs to improving your air quality, professional HVAC maintenance is financially advantageous and time-saving.

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How to Make Your Data Center Better & More Energy-Efficient

How to Make Your Data Center Better & More Energy-Efficient

Data centers represent some of the largest individual electricity users globally, accounting for roughly 3% of all consumption. That number continues to grow year over year. As such, every data center has a responsibility to be as efficient as possible. Much of that efficiency is going to come down to effective data center HVAC design.

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How to Deal with Unique Obstacles and HVAC Needs for Veterinary Clinics

How to Deal with Unique Obstacles and HVAC Needs for Veterinary Clinics

HVAC for veterinary clinics can be tough. Meeting the need for proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in animal hospitals is difficult on many levels, especially due to the extra dust, fur, and dander that can make its way through the systems. While commercial HVAC systems, in general, must combat many challenges, veterinary clinic systems are on an entirely different level.

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About the History of HVAC

5 Things You Didn't Know About the History of HVAC

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are so commonly used in American commercial buildings, schools, data centers, homes, and other places that you probably don’t notice them unless the setting is too cold or the system breaks. You’ve probably never given much thought to the history of HVAC installations! Whether you notice HVAC systems or not, Americans spend vast sums on them. The Energy Information Administration reported in 2015 that 48 percent of energy consumption was related to heating and cooling costs! Though HVAC systems are everywhere, how much do you know about their history?

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Oil-Free vs. Oil-Flooded Air Compressors – What’s the Difference?

Oil-Free vs. Oil-Flooded Air Compressors - What's the Difference?

Air compressors play important roles in many commercial and industrial systems. There are two main types: oil-free air compressors and oil-flooded air compressors. Both see wide use in a variety of industries, but which is suitable for your application? Is an oil-free air compressor best in every situation?

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What Is an Air Handling Unit and How Does It Work?

What Is an Air Handling Unit and How Does It Work?

Air handling units (AHU) are used in medium- and large-sized industrial or commercial properties to condition and distribute fresh air throughout the building. An AHU is part of the larger HVAC system (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning). The device takes air from the outdoors, cleans and conditions it, and heats or cools it as needed. Read on to learn more.

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You’ve Heard of Smart Homes, But What About Smart HVAC?

You've Heard of Smart Homes, But What About Smart HVAC?

It may come as no surprise to learn that the HVAC system is the largest source of energy use in your building. Wouldn’t it be great to decrease your utility costs without sacrificing the quality of your indoor air?  A smart HVAC system may be the solution. Smart systems are more efficient and can reduce energy use up to 10-15%. With savings like that, you could recoup the cost of installing a smart unit in just a few years.

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