Airtight Buildings and Energy Performance

Airtight Buildings and Energy Performance

When constructing new buildings today, companies are opting for an airtight facility. Airtight buildings have the ability to increase energy performance and at the same time, lower the facility’s carbon footprint. Before constructing an airtight building, or upgrading a commercial property, it is important to review certain factors. Below is a short guide on airtight buildings and energy performance, providing insight into the pros and cons of sealing a property.

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Data Centers Need More Than Cold Air

Data Centers Need More Than Cold Air

Managing the temperature through compressors or ACs is a very expensive process. Cooling makes up at least 40 percent of your monthly energy consumption, which can quickly eat up your budget. Without HVAC, however, data centers would feel like the Sahara at the height of summer. This is why IT managers are trying to find ways to decrease temperature levels without racking up the electricity costs.

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Air Distribution in Buildings

Air Distribution in Buildings

In heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) there are systems that cool and heat forced air. Forced air is a central heating system that uses air as its medium to transfer heat. This system relies on vents, duct work, and plenums for building air distribution that is separate from actual cooling or heating systems.

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Air Cleaner vs. Air Purifier

Air Cleaner vs. Air Purifier

Commercial facilities all need great indoor air quality, but there’s a debate on having an air cleanser versus air purifier. Everyone breathes in that re-circulated air all over again and even in greater contaminated doses. It’s no wonder many people suffer from respiratory and allergy problems in a day’s time. Depending upon your business, you need to carefully select an air cleaner, an air purifier, or both.

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