As a commercial HVAC contractor, we focus solely on servicing the heating and cooling systems for businesses and industrial businesses. This allows us to ensure each of our technicians has the specialized experience and skills necessary to work with larger cooling systems. Read on to discover some of the reasons we focus on commercial HVAC equipment.
Read more →Your heating and cooling system may not be the most glamorous part of your building, but when it stops working, it’s definitely the most important! Annual air conditioner maintenance can ensure that you don’t have big, expensive emergency repairs when the temperatures soar. There are four key reasons you should never skip your commercial annual air conditioner maintenance.
Read more →Due to their size, commercial buildings require a more extensive HVAC system than residential homes. Some commercial structures have their HVAC systems on the side or back of the building. Others take advantage of large rooftop spaces by using rooftop units, commonly referred to as RTUs. This can give property owners more valuable ground-level real estate for parking or landscaping features.
Read more →Anyone who owns a commercial building knows that ductwork is an integral part of the property’s operations. In order to operate at maximum efficiency, your HVAC ductwork needs to be designed, sized, and installed correctly. Proper duct size is all too often an overlooked feature of commercial HVAC systems. The role that duct sizing and material play in maintaining a safe, comfortable environment should not be underestimated. Having the right size and material for your ducts will maintain comfortable conditions, improve indoor air quality, minimize energy losses, and lower your heating and cooling bills, as well.
Read more →Traveling by airplane, driving your car, or engaging in a recreational pursuit can expose you to varying degrees of environmental pollution. While it might be hard to avoid flying or driving, indoor air pollution is one risk you can avoid altogether. Poor indoor air quality has become increasingly concerning, especially over two decades. Growing scientific evidence suggests that indoor air can harbor more contaminants than outdoor air, even in industrial zones. Further, research studies indicate that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors.
Read more →Regular HVAC maintenance in your commercial building is a responsibility you owe to your tenants and employees, but you owe it to yourself, as well. In fact, properly maintained systems can provide up to 25 years of dependable performance. Commercial-grade HVAC equipment such as air conditioners, furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers are very expensive to replace. On the other hand, regular preventative maintenance is relatively inexpensive. From reducing utility costs to improving your air quality, professional HVAC maintenance is financially advantageous and time-saving.
Read more →Data centers represent some of the largest individual electricity users globally, accounting for roughly 3% of all consumption. That number continues to grow year over year. As such, every data center has a responsibility to be as efficient as possible. Much of that efficiency is going to come down to effective data center HVAC design.
Read more →As winter comes around, there will be numerous things to do to prepare your commercial building. Getting your HVAC systems ready is one of them, and going with the professionals can help you in more ways than you might think.
Read more →As stated by the CDC, HVAC systems can be a big source of indoor pollutants. Improperly maintained systems can lead to the introduction of microbes into an indoor air system. Improper operation and maintenance of HVAC systems can seriously impact a building’s indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and be the cause of other detrimental issues. A Severn Group service contract is a cost-efficient, convenient way to ensure a building’s HVAC system is properly maintained. The following five reasons explain why a service contract is the right choice.
Read more →Where are the savings? That’s the theme of the building industry in this post-pandemic era. Many raw materials have increased in price, and construction budgets for commercial and residential high-rises are skyrocketing. This makes it more important than ever to know where the those savings are. These savings sometimes come from the least expected places. One of them is the 179D Energy Tax Deduction. This allows tax savings for measures that increase energy efficiency in buildings through the HVAC system. The 179D Energy Tax Deduction is also known as EPAct. It applies to commercial buildings, and multi-family residential buildings that are four stories or higher (above ground). Owners can expense up to $1.80 per square foot of the cost of improvements that increase energy efficiency.
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