How Can Portable Spot Air Conditioners Help My Business?

How Can Portable Spot Air Conditioners Help My Business?

Businesses have different needs when it comes to heating, ventilating, and air conditioning buildings and facilities. What every business has in common, though, is the desire to save money. Commercial enterprises analyzing their HVAC requirements can consider using portable spot air conditioners. Read on to know about these compact air conditioning units and if they’re right for your business.

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How to Improve Your Building’s HVAC Efficiency

How to Improve Your Building’s HVAC Efficiency

Energy remains one of the major overheads for commercial properties and buildings. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in 2019, space heating accounted for about 38% of delivered energy in the building sector. Therefore, regularly reviewing your building’s HVAC efficiency can help save on costs and reduce operational overhead. Not to mention, investing in energy-efficient HVAC will also help fight climate change, create a sustainable future, and improve the building’s IAQ.

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5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your HVAC System

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your HVAC System

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HVAC systems present a significant risk of COVID-19 exposure to workers in office buildings. Therefore, in order to protect staff, reduce costs, and improve the indoor climate, it’s time to start planning how to improve your system over the coming year. Here are the top five New Year’s resolutions you should set for your commercial building’s HVAC system.

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Is Commercial Radiant Heating a Good Option?

Is Commercial Radiant Heating a Good Option?

Maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in commercial buildings is an overhead most operators and owners need to revisit often. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), radiant heating is a good option compared to other heating systems like forced-air and baseboard heating. If you’re considering the benefits of radiant heating for your commercial property, take a moment to review some important facts.

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Is a Rooftop System Best for Your Building?

Is a Rooftop System Best for Your Building?

Many large commercial buildings use rooftop systems, also called packaged HVAC systems. While common, not all smaller commercial buildings use them. Some still use split systems, which tend to be more common with residential buildings. Essentially the difference between split systems and a rooftop system is in the name. Half the unit is inside, half of it is outside. Packaged systems are all in one unit. In commercial buildings, they are referred to as rooftop systems because that is typically where you find them.

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Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps – What Are the Benefits?

Commercial Geothermal Heat Pumps - What Are the Benefits?

We have gone into what geothermal systems are before. But, to recap, these systems work similarly to other HVAC structures except geothermal utilizes the ground rather than air. What we haven’t discussed is how geothermal heat pumps (GHP) work in large buildings. Since incorporating green technology is getting more popular so are commercial geothermal heat pumps. Not only are they eco-friendly they also offer low operating costs. So, for this article, let’s talk about the three main benefits of incorporating GHPs into your building.

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How Chilled Beam Technology is Growing in the U.S.

How Chilled Beam Technology is Growing in the U.S.

In 2015, chilled beam technology was projected to grow nearly double by 2020. Now projections are showing the U.S. will contribute around 28% in chilled beam system demands by 2026. This is largely due to energy efficiency regulations in North America. Currently building energy consumption is about 40% of the total energy consumption in the U.S. As a push toward lower carbon emissions continues to grow, it stands to reason so will technologies that reduce energy consumption. Chilled beams offer major benefits in energy efficiency.

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What You Need to Know About Water-Cooled Chillers

What You Need to Know About Water-Cooled Chillers

Chillers use up about 20% of the total power generated in the country. What’s more, they can increase up to 30% additional energy usage of a building due to operational inefficiencies. This costs companies and building facilities billions yearly. Today, commercial buildings install efficient HVAC systems with an aim to improve a building’s sustainability and performance. Which brings us to water-cooled chillers, an essential HVAC component for a wide variety of commercial facilities. Continue on to learn more about water-cooled chillers, and find out if it’s the right choice for your facility. 

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What is Better: Heat Pump or Air Conditioner?

What is Better: Heat Pump or Air Conditioner?

When choosing an HVAC system for your business or facility, you have plenty of options. If you’re deciding between a heat pump or an air conditioner, there are a few things to consider. Both use compressed refrigerants to collect heat from your indoor space and transfer it outside. However, which system is more beneficial to your specific building? To find out, it’s important to know the difference between the two.

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