Common HVAC Problems Caused by Duct Issues

Common HVAC Problems Caused by Duct Issues

In an HVAC system, the ducts are responsible for delivering and removing air. To demonstrate, stagnant, stale air leaves a home or office through ducts, and fresh, temperature-controlled air comes in through ducts. When there’s a problem with the ductwork, it can spell trouble for the entire HVAC system and for the building. At The Severn Group, our technicians come across a lot of these problems. Here are the most common duct issues and how they can affect your HVAC system.

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Is an RTU HVAC System Right for Your Building?

Is an RTU HVAC System Right for Your Building?

When it’s time to replace or install an HVAC system in your building, there are several options to consider. One of those options is called an RTU HVAC system. It still provides heating and cooling, along with the same air quality benefits as any HVAC system. What makes an RTU system different, however, is its location and setup. Here’s what you need to know about RTU HVAC systems and how to tell if it’s the right choice for you. 

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Do Ductless Heating and Cooling Systems Work for Commercial Buildings?

Do Ductless Heating and Cooling Systems Work for Commercial Buildings?

Many homeowners are switching to ductless heating and cooling systems in favor of the traditional HVAC. But, they’re not the only ones. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that more and more commercial buildings are going ductless, too. In fact, ductless heating and cooling systems have been used in commercial buildings for several decades now.

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Summer HVAC Tips for Your Office

Summer HVAC Tips for Your Office

When you run a business and have a commercial HVAC system, it can be hard to keep things cool during the summer. The heat is naturally going to seep in. It’s important to make sure that your HVAC system is working properly so that your employees and customers are comfortable. Read on for some summer HVAC tips that can help prepare you for the warmer weather.

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Eddy Current Testing 101

Eddy Current Testing 101

The term Eddy Current Testing (ECT) uses electromagnetic induction to find flaws and cracks in conductive materials. Specifically, ECT is used in the service and manufacturing industries where tubing, sheet metal, and other slim products created from metal are needed for essential operations. With ECT, electromagnetic fields can detect metal hardness and thickness, heat damage, and more. Testing is completed without harming the test material during the process.

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Air Distribution in Buildings

Air Distribution in Buildings

In heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) there are systems that cool and heat forced air. Forced air is a central heating system that uses air as its medium to transfer heat. This system relies on vents, duct work, and plenums for building air distribution that is separate from actual cooling or heating systems.

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Get a Commercial HVAC Inspection Before You Buy

Get a Commercial HVAC Inspection Before You Buy

Are you considering an investment in a new commercial building? Are you ready to take the next step of expanding your current business or starting one from scratch? Whatever the case may be, there is one area you need to look at before signing on the dotted line. That is the commercial HVAC system. It is imperative that you have a commercial HVAC system inspection completed before you buy. Here are some reasons why an inspection should be at the top of your to-do list.

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7 Tips to Retrofit HVAC for Historic Buildings

7 Tips to Retrofit HVAC for Historic Buildings

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is one part of your building that when it works, you take it for granted. In the same vein, if it’s defective, you will really feel every minute that you are inside the four-walled structure. Installing this system in a new building is complicated enough, but retrofitting HVAC for historic buildings is a whole other level altogether. We have compiled a list of guidelines to retrofit HVAC for historic buildings.

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