Commercial facilities all need great indoor air quality, but there’s a debate on having an air cleanser versus air purifier. Everyone breathes in that re-circulated air all over again and even in greater contaminated doses. It’s no wonder many people suffer from respiratory and allergy problems in a day’s time. Depending upon your business, you need to carefully select an air cleaner, an air purifier, or both.
Read more →Proper temperature control for Data Centers during the winter is just as crucial as the summer. Cold weather causes its own types of problems for your data center. You have the ability to control and maintain both humidity and temperature; which helps alleviate the problems for data centers in winter.
Read more →Boilers are common in the Chesapeake Area and have been in use for years in both residential and commercial properties. While they are sturdy and reliable, with age they will need maintenance and repair. Our team is […]
Read more →Twenty to thirty years ago it was common practice to install a CAV (constant air volume) system in commercial buildings for ventilation and air-conditioning. These types of HVAC systems require high airflow rates and higher amounts of energy for heating and cooling. Thus, increasing utility costs. Therefore, the theory is, […]
Read more →It’s the first chilly day, and as you turn the heat on in your office or workspace. You notice a funky smell. you may be wondering why does my heater smell? While it is tempting to ignore it, some scents indicate significant issues, and you should never brush them off. Here are some problems to look out for when your […]
Read more →Want your company to become more energy efficient; then it will serve you to create a greener workplace. Lights, equipment and poorly maintained HVAC systems are the culprits behind high utility costs. By applying only a few commercial energy saving tips, your company would see […]
Read more →As the temperature starts to rise, the Office Thermostat Settings Wars begin! It is an age-old battle that has gone on in the workplace since virtually the conception of modern indoor central air conditioning. Believe it or not, it is possible to reach across the aisle, and come up with a peaceful resolution, without […]
Read more →The Severn Group’s Education section is dedicated to helping customers understand the benefits of properly running HVAC systems and the 4 different types.
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