Are You Making Your Indoor Air Quality Worse? 3 Factors People Don’t Think About

Are You Making Your Indoor Air Quality Worse? 3 Factors People Don't Think About

Traveling by airplane, driving your car, or engaging in a recreational pursuit can expose you to varying degrees of environmental pollution. While it might be hard to avoid flying or driving, indoor air pollution is one risk you can avoid altogether. Poor indoor air quality has become increasingly concerning, especially over two decades. Growing scientific evidence suggests that indoor air can harbor more contaminants than outdoor air, even in industrial zones. Further, research studies indicate that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors.

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Why Is Regular HVAC Maintenance for Commercial Properties so Important?

Why Is Regular HVAC Maintenance for Commercial Properties so Important?

Regular HVAC maintenance in your commercial building is a responsibility you owe to your tenants and employees, but you owe it to yourself, as well. In fact, properly maintained systems can provide up to 25 years of dependable performance. Commercial-grade HVAC equipment such as air conditioners, furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers are very expensive to replace. On the other hand, regular preventative maintenance is relatively inexpensive. From reducing utility costs to improving your air quality, professional HVAC maintenance is financially advantageous and time-saving.

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How to Deal with Unique Obstacles and HVAC Needs for Veterinary Clinics

How to Deal with Unique Obstacles and HVAC Needs for Veterinary Clinics

HVAC for veterinary clinics can be tough. Meeting the need for proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in animal hospitals is difficult on many levels, especially due to the extra dust, fur, and dander that can make its way through the systems. While commercial HVAC systems, in general, must combat many challenges, veterinary clinic systems are on an entirely different level.

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5 Reasons a Service Contract Makes Sense & Saves Money

5 Reasons a Service Contract Makes Sense & Saves Money

As stated by the  CDC, HVAC systems can be a big source of indoor pollutants. Improperly maintained systems can lead to the introduction of microbes into an indoor air system. Improper operation and maintenance of HVAC systems can seriously impact a building’s indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and be the cause of other detrimental issues. A Severn Group service contract is a cost-efficient, convenient way to ensure a building’s HVAC system is properly maintained. The following five reasons explain why a service contract is the right choice.

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How to Maintain School HVAC Systems to Keep Kids Safe

How to Maintain School HVAC Systems to Keep Kids Safe

After being partially or fully closed for the past year, school buildings across the country are opening up full-time for students in all grades. What can your school do to keep kids healthy and safe – not just from COVID-19, but from all manner of airborne germs? It’s all about working with your HVAC system.

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The Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting

The Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting

Just as it’s important to clean the dust off surfaces, use hand sanitizer, and disinfect commonly used areas, it’s also important to clean, sanitize, and disinfect a facility’s HVAC system. The question is, which of these methods should you use for your building? They may all be necessary.

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Is Your HVAC Tape Doing the Job?

Is Your HVAC Tape Doing the Job?

A properly functioning commercial HVAC system makes for a comfortable workplace, but the benefits don’t end there. An efficient HVAC system can lead to healthier employees, less environmental impact, and savings. Every part of a commercial HVAC system is important for functionality, all the way down to the tape used to seal the ductwork. It’s worth taking the time to understand what makes for good HVAC tape. Is your HVAC tape doing the job?

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HVAC Forums You Need to Read as a Technician

HVAC Forums You Need to Read as a Technician

It’s zero degrees—and the heat just went out. Suddenly, workers are contending with freezing temperatures while trying to do their jobs. For the HVAC professional who has experienced this situation, they understand that the job cannot be finished fast enough. That is why we have put together some of our favorite HVAC forums. These help technicians stay on top of their game. And are a great resource for troubleshooting those not-so-common issues.

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