Restaurants consume significantly more electricity than many other types of businesses. According to recent data, restaurants use about 38 kilowatt-hours (kWH) per square foot of enclosed space. The majority of energy use is linked to processes such as Heating water, Refrigeration, Cooking, or Cooling and heating the building. Having a higher-than-average utility bill comes with the territory of owning a restaurant. The good news is that there are ways that you can reduce your establishment’s electric consumption and your monthly utility bill. One of the best tactics involves upgrading to an efficient HVAC system. On that note, join us as we outline what is the most efficient HVAC system for restaurants. If your system is wasting energy or you are simply ready for an upgrade, this guide’s for you.
Read more →Your building’s HVAC system and its energy use represent a significant cost to your business. If your system wastes energy, that’s money down the drain. The International Energy Agency says that AC alone accounts for 20% of electricity use in buildings today and that we need to improve that value in the future. There are many potential causes of energy inefficiency in HVAC systems. You can watch for these signs to determine whether your HVAC system is wasting energy and take action to improve it.
Read more →Due to their size, commercial buildings require a more extensive HVAC system than residential homes. Some commercial structures have their HVAC systems on the side or back of the building. Others take advantage of large rooftop spaces by using rooftop units, commonly referred to as RTUs. This can give property owners more valuable ground-level real estate for parking or landscaping features.
Read more →Anyone who owns a commercial building knows that ductwork is an integral part of the property’s operations. In order to operate at maximum efficiency, your HVAC ductwork needs to be designed, sized, and installed correctly. Proper duct size is all too often an overlooked feature of commercial HVAC systems. The role that duct sizing and material play in maintaining a safe, comfortable environment should not be underestimated. Having the right size and material for your ducts will maintain comfortable conditions, improve indoor air quality, minimize energy losses, and lower your heating and cooling bills, as well.
Read more →Buying a new commercial HVAC system is one of the most important purchases you can make for your business. It’s your responsibility to choose an HVAC system that provides seamless comfort for clients, customers, and employees. However, choosing the right commercial HVAC system can be overwhelming with the number of choices to pick from. For this reason, you must understand what factors to consider when looking for a new HVAC system.
Read more →Traveling by airplane, driving your car, or engaging in a recreational pursuit can expose you to varying degrees of environmental pollution. While it might be hard to avoid flying or driving, indoor air pollution is one risk you can avoid altogether. Poor indoor air quality has become increasingly concerning, especially over two decades. Growing scientific evidence suggests that indoor air can harbor more contaminants than outdoor air, even in industrial zones. Further, research studies indicate that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors.
Read more →Hospitals are high-sensitivity spaces that require a delicate balance of factors to maintain the health and comfort of patients. Because hospitals are such high-traffic areas, the most important thing is making sure that every room stays as clean as possible. Hospital HVAC systems are integral to preserving this balance. Every room is connected via the building’s HVAC system. That means every patient potentially shares the same air. Without specifically designed hospital HVAC systems, this would present a massive challenge. How do you keep the air clean for every patient when they all share the same air? The answer comes down to competent system design.
Read more →Commercial HVAC systems account for as much as 39% of energy use in commercial buildings throughout the country. That number, 39%, represents an opportunity to save money while maintaining comfort and operational efficiency. By designing a commercial HVAC system correctly from the start, you will have the best chance at saving on operational costs without taking shortcuts.
Read more →Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are so commonly used in American commercial buildings, schools, data centers, homes, and other places that you probably don’t notice them unless the setting is too cold or the system breaks. You’ve probably never given much thought to the history of HVAC installations! Whether you notice HVAC systems or not, Americans spend vast sums on them. The Energy Information Administration reported in 2015 that 48 percent of energy consumption was related to heating and cooling costs! Though HVAC systems are everywhere, how much do you know about their history?
Read more →Air compressors play important roles in many commercial and industrial systems. There are two main types: oil-free air compressors and oil-flooded air compressors. Both see wide use in a variety of industries, but which is suitable for your application? Is an oil-free air compressor best in every situation?
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